Typical gathering
We are not about self promotion. But we want to be visible, so that those of you who might find a home here can see and know who we are.
A typical gathering
When our friend, Helen, first invited a friend to church she said to her friend ‘come and check out my weird church.’ The friend responded ‘what do you mean ‘my weird church?’ Helen replied ‘come along and find out, I can’t really explain it.’
We’ll be honest, our church is different to many others. We are a strange mix of ‘creative’ and ‘traditional’ theology, liturgical and free worship, unplanned interruptions and questions, and meticulously well crafted reflections, prayers and thoughts.
Our community is made up of people in almost all age groups and from many suburbs around Newcastle and the Hunter. We recognise that some people have mixed feelings about church. NewCity strives to be a safe space for all people, regardless of theological differences, race, sex and gender identity, creed, age, cultural background, sexual orientation and ability. Everyone is welcome! We would love you to come along! Bring your questions and doubts, your fresh perspectives and experiences, your curiosity and awe. We can learn more through diversity; we are stronger through inclusion.
In a typical service there will be; music, a time of silent prayer and reflection, responsive prayers from the prayer book, a responsive Psalm reading, followed by a reflection on the lectionary reading for the week (usually by Mitch), open discussion and plenty of time to catch up with each other over coffee or chai and whatever snacks you desire from the local coffee shop.
Kids hang with the larger group while we drink coffee, pray, sing and listen. We have a low key kids space that operates during the reflection and discussion time, but we really don’t mind kid noise so they’re more than welcome to stay in our gathering. For more info on kids, check out our kids page.
We don’t really have a statement of belief that anyone/everyone needs to agree with in order to be a cherished member of our community. However, as a church we do affirm the teachings of the Apostles Creed.